TaxFitness – Website

A responsive website built in DNN to help market and sell the TaxFitness web application

Project overview

As part of the concept for building the Tax Fitness web application, we needed a public website to help market the concept. TF needed a site to power their SEO, to send visitors from advertising and add fresh, relevant content via a blog. We built the public website in the same framework we built the web application, DNN. We did this for consistency between these components.

Responsive design

Intuitive IT web designers worked with an external style guide provided by an 3rd party design company.

Working within the constraints and model, we were able to develop a design that worked well on both mobile, tablet and desktops.

This clean and colour website works well to convey a professional yet distruptive website - much in the same way the web application has disrupted the Tax Planning industry.

Tax Planner Directory

The Tax Planning Directory module is a DNN module built in-house by our local developers. Using the Google Maps API and pulling report data from the web application, we've built a functional and user-friendly module for the Tax Fitness team.

By entering your location, it will return the closest Tax Planning Experts, displaying them both on a map and in table format.

A key feature is the results are ordered by the most prolific experts. The more reports they have generated, the higher they will appear on the list.

Need special functionality?

Make your business stand out from the competition.