Australian Sign & Graphics Association

Project overview

The Australian Sign & Graphics Association is the peak body representing Signmakers, Engravers, Sign Installers, Signwriters, Graphic Designers, Sign Educators and Apprentices who use sign making equipment such as digital printing machines, engraving, laser and routing equipment, LEDs and neon products.

Work we have done:

  • Members Directory
  • Industry Directory
  • Membership login
  • MailChimp Integration
  • News & events


Sign maker & Suppliers directory

The Sign Maker & Suppliers Directory was created to provide an easy way of finding the right supplier for your sign needs.

The directory is a one-stop shop that provides you with listings in your area, rather than having to search through disparate sites and pages on Google.

This functionality is built as a DNN module and has integrations through to the M-Power MIS. The MIS stores the information on each sign maker and supplier and makes calls in real-time to display them onsite.

You can search based on postcode or by distance across all the states of Australia.

Filtering based on the service you need can provide exactly what you are after.

MailChimp integration

For this website, we also integrated ASGA's bulk emailing system of choice into the site. That being MailChimp.

Mailchimp is an email marketing service that boasts over 7 million users. They are a big player in this space and its main features are sending and managing email newsletters. You can also create pop up forms, customized sign up forms and embed them anywhere on your site for optimal conversions.

For this website, we created the following:

  • Sign up form added to the website
  • Email newsletter template created
  • Newsletter archives are accessible from the ASGA website

Building a membership based site?

Contact us on how to integrate it and expose your members to the web.