Project overview
Improve Me was created to help elite athletes post their sporting career. The concept is that atheletes will perform better on the field when they are comfortable in the fact they will have a job once they can no longer be a professional athlete.
To help discover what skill sets they possess, Improve Me run them through a survey which highlights these skills and what careers would best utilise their talents.
Intuitive IT built the portal that will present key training materials and careers and allow the individuals to record their progress and notes.
The site presents each individual with secure access which they can use from their mobile, tablet or desktop computer.
React JS
To give the Improve Me users the best user interface, Intuitive IT developers built the website with React.
This javascript framework allows its programmers to build modern and fast loading websites without having to reload the entire page each time the user submits a request.
Using React gives our developers and designers independence between the front end code and the backend, which is built in DNN.
Masonry Grid
The content created and maintained by the site administrator is of different lengths and widths and in a standard layout, there would be whitespace. This means we would not be efficient with our screen real estate. So that's where Masonry Grid comes into play.
Masonry Grid places the content in the optimal position based on the vertical space available on the page. Kind of like how a stone mason fits stones together on a wall. You can see in the image on the right, how the centre-bottom panel sits higher than the other 2 bottom panels. This is because the centre-top panel is shorter in content.
This allows for more content on the screen at once and creates an aesthetic flow on the page.
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